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What Makes Quality Solar Panel Cable?

13th Oct 2020

Solar arrays capture energy from the sun, and for some homeowners around the country, investing in a solar panel system might be a very wise choice. We’ve investigated the topic in a recent blog on the subject.

However, since we are the Electrical Wire and Cable Specialists, we thought we’d get a little deeper into what makes up quality solar panel cable. Here’s what we can tell you about these types of cable; what it is, why it matters, and how to define quality.

Solar Panel Cable: A Short Introduction

First, you need to understand a little bit more about how a solar array works. To keep things extremely simple, a solar array consists of solar panels that harness the energy released from the sun. This energy needs to be sent elsewhere so it can be used, which means it must be transported.

The energy that comes off of the panels is direct current, which must be converted to alternating current for efficient transport. To do this it is sent to an inverter which converts it into AC current that can then be transported and used.

This alternating current is then sent to a switchboard, from which it can be directed to areas in a home. The transport of the electricity between the panels, inverter and switchboard is the job of the solar panel cables on which this article is mostly focused. These cables take the electricity from the panels and send it to these other areas so that it can be used.

This is, of course, a very high level view, and leaves out many of the specifics that regard how the solar power system is laid out. What’s central here is that the cables are responsible for connecting the components of the system.

Other Names

Solar cables may be either cables or wires, but all you need to know about this is that a wire is a single conductor and a cable is made up of wires braided together. You may hear cables called multi conductors.

These cables are also called photovoltaic cables or wires, also known as pv cables or pv wires. This is simple because these are sometimes called photovoltaic or PV systems, so if you hear the term, know that you are hearing about the same thing.

Traits to Note

Some things to look for in solar PV cable for solar systems are traits that will make the cables variously resistant to a number of factors to which they might be exposed in the environment, that include but are not limited to some of the traits we will cover here.

Consider the conditions that a solar setup will be exposed to on a daily basis. For one, the components of the system, including the panels and the cable, will be out baking in the sunlight all day, and that isn’t just a second hand condition. That is what they are meant to do.

Because of this, they will receive an onslaught of ultraviolet radiation, which is highly destructive to a number of materials, both organic and synthetic. Consider that even materials like the rubber in tires will break down under exposure to UV light and you can see why it matters. For this reason alone, one of the most important things to look for in PV cables is a high degree of UV resistance.

Ultraviolet light is not the only factor that will take a toll on PV cables. Rain, snow and extremes of temperature are all factors with which the cables must contend. High quality photovoltaic cables will also be resistant to weather, moisture and a large range of temperatures.

These are the two most important traits to look for in PV cables, but some other important ones include high strength and abrasion resistance to be able to withstand environmental stresses, a degree of fire-resistance, resistances to chemicals, acids, oils and gas, and, where possible, a reduced diameter. The gauge will, of course, determine the diameter of the wire, but smaller might be better in some spaces.

Ready to Learn More about Solar Panel Cables?

This is simply to serve as a very high level introduction to PV cables. If you want to learn more about what PV cables do, how they do it, and what we sell here at EWCS Wire, get in touch with us today. We’d be more than happy to go over these wires and cables in more detail, as well as to explain why they are so important to solar systems.

You can reach us at or by calling us at 800-262-1598. Give us a call if you have any questions about our products or want to learn more about the specialty wires and cables that we sell. Otherwise, take a look through our copperwire and cables, aluminum wire and cables and other grades of cables while you’re here.